XITA by Matthew

Matthew “Masshuu” Vita of XITA is a fashion and portrait photographer best known for his captures of the unknown and growing male Asian models. His photography also explores the ideas of the nongender fashion with asymmetrical monochromatic series.

Besides being a photographer, he’s also a stylist and graphic designer.


Based in Toronto, the Ivorian-Canadian co-parents with model Slick Woods their son, Saphir, both consciously instilling in him the confidence to be grounded and independent, in a turbulent, unpredictable world. “He’s only three, but I can tell already that he is very emotionally intelligent,” Bosso determines. “We also take time to express how we feel about things and be able to let it go and not hold on to that feeling and stress too long.” Prioritizing the importance of mental health has been essential in how Bosso has navigated the modeling industry and developed his authentic self as a successful model and sexually fluid, Black man. After surviving a harrowing car accident that he, fortunately, walked away from, Bosso has a new perspective on life and the value of mental soundness. With images shot by Nigerian Canadian William Ukoh, we spoke to Bosso in Toronto on the importance of mental health in the Black community, breaking generational curses, and raising his son to be in tune with his emotions.

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